Management Practices and Outreach
Provide and summarize resources supporting best management practices for monarch conservation on working lands in Arizona with emphasis on outreach, education, funding opportunities, and habitat improvement.
Compile existing BMP resources into AZ-specific user-friendly resources and distribute them to relevant audiences to “exchange information between natural land managers regarding successful practices that benefit multiple species including monarch butterflies and other pollinators” (WAFWA Goal EO-6.6.2).
Create pollinator gardens in highly visible public areas to “raise public awareness about recent declines in monarch butterfly populations and encourage community involvement in local efforts to survey for monarchs and milkweed and to support and create monarch habitat on their land and with local government” (WAFWA Goal EO 6.6.1).
Model habitat and encourage landowners and land managers to protect priority areas to “‘identify high priority breeding areas for monarchs conservation on natural lands throughout the West and promote protection, restoration, and/or enhancement in these areas” (WAFWA Strategy NL-S1).
Committee Leadership
We are working on putting together monarch and pollinator Best Management Practices (BMPs) specific for Arizona. You can visit the new BMPs page on our website. We will continue to add to the list. We have completed a BMP handout for agricultural lands; it is available for distribution at relative agricultural events.